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Forum Entomologi Italiani
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Pimelia (Pimelia) goryi sardea Solier, 1836 - Tenebrionidae Pimeliinae

22.V.2015 - ITALIA - Sardegna - CI, Gonnosfanadiga

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MessaggioInviato: 23/03/2024, 23:06 

Iscritto il: 06/08/2015, 9:33
Messaggi: 70
Nome: Michel GYMENT
Good evening,
The Pimelia shown below is 22 mm long, and this size, exceeding 20 mm, should in theory make it a Pimelia grossa. However, P. grossa has strong elytral ribs, which is absolutely not the case for this specimen. So I would go more willingly for P. goryi sardea, with its very obvious elytral punctuation.
Please correct my analysis if I am wrong.



MessaggioInviato: 25/03/2024, 20:37 

Iscritto il: 08/12/2013, 1:52
Messaggi: 6858
Località: Bagnacavallo (RA)
Nome: Giorgio Pezzi
According with distribution of Pimelia in Sardinia, you might be right; I too have collected in that area this widespread subspecies. I send in mp the distribution image cause I can't find any url to link, probably gently sended to me by Piero Leo. :hi:

MessaggioInviato: 25/03/2024, 21:51 

Iscritto il: 06/08/2015, 9:33
Messaggi: 70
Nome: Michel GYMENT
Thank you very much for your answer and for your messages :hi:

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