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Dulophanes morio (Fabricius 1781) ♂ - Tenthredinidae - Selandriinae

16.VI.2012 - FRANCIA - EE, Donzy (Dipart. Nièvre)

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MessaggioInviato: 11/08/2015, 12:12 
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Iscritto il: 22/11/2010, 18:16
Messaggi: 1080
Località: Donzy (Bourgogne : Dipart. Nièvre) - Francia
Nome: Jean-Pierre Balmer
Capture in the garden, to lie fallow since 6/7 years, of our house of Donzy (dépt. Nièvre) - 16 VI 2012
Biblio (main) :
- Benson 1952 : RES - Handbooks ... Symphyta ... Vol. VI 2(b)
- Berland 1947 : Faune de France ... Hymenoptera Tenthredoïdes
- Enslin 1912/1918 : Die Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas
- Zhelokhovtsev 1988 : in Medvedev (Ed.) - Keys ... USSR. III. Hym. Part 6 Symphyta (Translation in English 1994)
Det. of Genus, see :
Attention : We captured in the same place a 2nd ♂ with the red of Legs present but less obvious and the Femora 3 slightly darkened.
But the Legs remain very clear, what differentiates this 2nd capture of with the Genus Birka.
Det. of species :
The Genus is mono-specific, of where the determination

The most exact description of the species is given by Berland.
morio was also captured in Italy

n° 5133 M - Images - Image.jpg

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