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Oggi è 06/06/2024, 19:21

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Trotommidea sp. - Scraptiidae

1.VI.2008 - GRECIA - EE, Achaia, Panachaikon Mts.

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 Oggetto del messaggio: Trotommidea sp. - Scraptiidae
MessaggioInviato: 14/07/2018, 16:01 

Iscritto il: 25/01/2012, 21:39
Messaggi: 495
Località: athens, greece
Nome: Kakiopoulos George
Unique specimen, shaking the twigs of a deciduous Quercus, at an altitude of 900 m. Length 2.5 mm.
Initially, at the field, I thought it was a Scraptia, without a significant interest. But when I saw the palps at the microscope, the truth was obvious.
Unfortunately, I never found it again.
So, Trotommidea sp.
But the exact identification to species level, remains unresolved.
From Greece is mentioned only 1 species (Trotommidea corcyrea Pic, 1901) from Corfu island.

Photo 1: head with maxillary palp
Photo 2: the entire insect
(sorry for the quality...).

Trot 2.JPG

Trot 1.JPG

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