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Apate terebrans Pallas, 1772 (cf.) - Bostrichidae


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MessaggioInviato: 22/03/2016, 8:15 

Iscritto il: 24/10/2011, 17:30
Messaggi: 1530
Nome: Isidro Martínez
Probabile specie africana.
Aiuto ID!

Apate sp.jpg

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Apate sp. - Bostrichidae
MessaggioInviato: 02/04/2016, 2:17 

Iscritto il: 02/11/2010, 22:33
Messaggi: 983
Nome: Aleksei Kovalev
Why not A. terebrans? :)

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Apate sp. - Bostrichidae
MessaggioInviato: 02/04/2016, 7:34 

Iscritto il: 24/10/2011, 17:30
Messaggi: 1530
Nome: Isidro Martínez
Thanks Aleksei, I never discarded A. terebrans but I have no way to know if it can be any other species too!

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Apate sp. - Bostrichidae
MessaggioInviato: 02/04/2016, 10:13 

Iscritto il: 02/11/2010, 22:33
Messaggi: 983
Nome: Aleksei Kovalev
I think this would be useful: ... 8/mode/1up

 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: Apate sp. - Bostrichidae
MessaggioInviato: 02/04/2016, 10:52 

Iscritto il: 24/10/2011, 17:30
Messaggi: 1530
Nome: Isidro Martínez
Thanks, it's really useful!
A shame that the second question of the key ask for a ventral character, not visible in my image...
However by the foveolate elytra, barnished-like elytra, toothed elytral rear nerve, and big size it could fit well with the "best known" A. terebrans. The closest species, A. degener, it's too small. The description of the male of the species fits in all visible characters.
Being so widespread and introduced elsewhere, maybe also is supposed that A. terebrans is quite common even in areas where more species can be found, as I suppose that happens with Central African Republic.

After cheek description of each species, and their distribution, I must conclude that my photo shows very probably Apate terebrans, based overall in it's big size, smaller in remaining species.

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